Friday, July 05, 2019

missing Ollie

I am missing Ollie terribly right now. I miss his wit and his dance moves.
I often think what he would be doing if he were alive. How would we as a family be doing? Were would we be living?
 I will always cherish what time I had with him.

I love you buddy,


Sunday, January 31, 2016

I've been playing a lot of hockey lately. Tonight i suited up for My old team the Imperials. it was game number 2 of the night. it was really nice to pull the #15 jersey on for a change. The game did not go as i had hoped the Imps lost 4-0. In the first game The Parkdale hockey Lads tied the first place Jokers 2-2.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

I'm Back

It has been quite sometime since I posted here. A lot has happened since 2006. I had another son named Oliver. He was a beautiful baby and full of life. Jack loved his little brother so much. Ollie looked up to Jack and would follow him everywhere. In 2013 Oliver was diagnosed with JMML at rare form of Leukemia. He had to  have a bone marrow transplant. His big brother Jack was his donor. After the BMT Ollie was in isolation for 2 months he was unable to see his brother or anyone other than Laura, myself or grandma Pauline. Things were good for awhile but the transplant failed after a few months. the Drs decided to do a stem cell transplant. Before the transplant we went to Disneyland for Ollie's wish trip. Man did he have fun, we all did. The second transplant happened and things seemed ok for a bit. the cancer became aggresive and had transformed in to aml.  my sweet Ollie Died in July of 2015. Oliver touched alot of lives in his short life and his oddsock legacy will live for ever.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Patch Cup

Well the Patch Cup has come and gone for another year and what a party it was. This year I was drafted by Tom Goodwin our Team was called the Pinkrats(the jerseys were pink). We finished the tourney with a 2-1 record. The guys and girl on the team were a great bunch to play with and I would lace up the skates with them anytime! Ray Henderson organizes the tourney! Ray does a great job so thanks ray for all your hard work. To the people behind the scenes thank you aswell. I am looking forward to next year already. It is definetly worth the drive to peterborough!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Yo! Guess who's bizack?

what up y'all? It's been a while since I blogged. I was watching the news lastnight and there was one of the pricks who pissed on the war memorial asking for the veterans and the public to forgive him for what he did. These punks should be made to do community service at a veterans hospital. This might make them understand what the people who fought for our freedom went through.also I think the military should place an honour guard at the memorial for the unknown soldier just like the Yanks do at arlington cemetary. the younger generation do not understand the sacrifices these people make by serving our country. I for one am greatful that these men and women serve there country and make the world a better place.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Uncle Luther part 2

I saw Uncle luther on Saturday and he wanted to bury the hatchet. So I agreed to try he won't act all fucking retarded with me and I won't have to kick his ass. Well folks we shall see how it turns out. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Uncle fucking Luther!

There is this guy I know he likes to go by the name Uncle Luther. This dude is really fucking annoying and I want to punch him in the fucking head. I'm not sure if he is really is nuts or if he does it to get attention. He likes to bother me and one of these days uncle Luther is really going to get it. For instance at the bar on Saturday Uncle Luther is bothering me but I'm trying to ignore him so I walk away and go for a piss and who should follow me to the pisser none other than Uncle L he wants me to high five him while I'm pissing. What the fuck is that!! I tell him to fuck off wash my hands and leave. Later he starts bugging me again this time I resort to threatening him with a upper cut. This stops the harassment for a little while but next time I run in to him It will all start again. What should I do? Should I kick his ass or just ignore him?